Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Using 3 Phase Transformers

3 phase transformers permit us to utilise a wide range of appliances, equipment, tools, gadgets and everything that operates on electrical energy. Transformers have tremendously enhanced our capability to use unique electrical machines and domestic devices. They convert voltages and frequencies into the essential quantities, which helps make electricity safer to handle.

Without having transformers serving as mediums, electrical power delivered into our houses and companies would not be doable, and some appliances might not even exist. You will find various sorts of transformers that can be obtained at local electrical shops and appliance centers, like low voltage transformers, AC transformers, custom transformers and others. The most distinct form of transformer, which proves to be fascinating technology, is the 3 Phase Transformer. It is not simply AC or DC, but uses 'three phases' which tends to make this sort of transformer a complicated variety.

A 3 phase transformer is actually one that is utilized generally in electrical power distribution systems. These are the larger and bulkier transformers often found in electrical power producing corporations that are arranged in columns or groups. These transformers facilitate the transport of electricity by means of the electrical distribution networks.

In this type of transformer, there are 3 sets of main and secondary coils, wrapped around each leg of the predefined iron core. You'll find a number of combinations that may be made from these three sets of coils that are defined by the requirement for higher voltage or for increased reliability. The structure of the three units of coils is governed by the idea of correct phase relationships between the phase windings. This kind of transformer is much more complicated than a straightforward DC transformer, or an AC transformer in single phase because of the possibility of combinations and how it operates.

A 3 phase transformer has its very own advantages. The combinations offered by this sort of transformer supply better efficiency, which can utilize either numerous voltages or provide increased reliability. These transformers are simplified versions and provide better options than employing single-phase transformers linked together to carry out the task of scaling down or scaling up voltages in three phase systems. This sort of transformer only requires a smaller numbers of components which are often smaller in size. These are often ones that are lighter than their modular alternatives. The configuration of the transformer with 3 phases, in reality, delivers greater reliability because if 1 winding fails to execute, the other two windings can still transport the full line voltages to the load. These transformers can deliver voltages and frequencies over lengthy distances and create an output of increased quality.

On the other hand, you will find also several disadvantages of this sort of transformer. The transformer itself is actually composed of three single phase transformers with a particular configuration, and if one particular of these configurations contains a pair of primary and secondary coils, the efficiency of the whole transformer will probably be affected, particularly the current and voltage load. The configurations also can be really complicated and tricky to comprehend; a great deal of time is required to fully master the configurations. The electrical power ought to also be equivalent to the incoming power to transform the electric energy to the desired voltage and frequency.

A 3 phase transformer is a tremendous leap technologically from the more traditional single-phase transformers applied at home. In fact, it has enormously revolutionized electrical power distribution and machinery operation with its numerous strengths.

Electrical power distribution systems design NY | Electrical engineering design services NY

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5366586

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Electrical Engineers Field

Electrical engineers have a very difficult job to do and their jobs require that they receive a concentrated education that deals with electronics, electricity, and electromagnetism. Electrical engineers spend a few years in college pursuing this difficult degree to go into a very competitive, high tech field. Usually, they spend their time in college taking classes that have to do with mathematics, physics, computer science, and various other topics that deal specifically with electrical engineering. Master's degrees are also available in the engineering field, and, while those with a BA degree make a great deal of money as electrical engineers, those with a Master's degree can make even more money. After college, before they become certified, they must also go on to complete a certain amount of work experience, which can vary from place to place.

Some of the things that electrical engineers deal with on a day to day basis on the job include computer science, power, telecommunications, digital electronics, optoelectronics, control systems, analog electronics, and artificial intelligence. There are many different technologies that we depend on that are developed and serviced by electrical engineers. The technology that brings electricity into our homes and the technology that has developed the global positioning system is what these engineers are working with. Not only do electrical engineers design these technologies, but they also work to make them better, they test them, and even deploy them, as well.

Electrical engineers have an exciting job and they work on the cutting edge of technology all the time. They are always working to make technology better and are finding ways to improve the technology that is already existing as well. Electrical engineers work in a variety of different places as well. Some of them work in labs, developing and testing new technologies. Others work in offices dealing with clients and helping them with their technology. Yet other electrical engineers work in industrial plants and help manage the technology that is already in place.

It is important to note that electrical engineers are quite different than electronic engineers. While the two may sound the same, there are great differences between the two. An electrical engineer will deal with electricity and electrical things on a large scale, where electronic engineers will deal with smaller electronics such as cell phones and computers and the components that are inside them.

Electrical engineers have a very broad job base and can choose from any number of jobs. The education in electrical engineering prepares them to work in many different related fields. Becoming an electrical engineer can provide you with a variety of job opportunities, and most of them will be very different. If you are interested in electrical engineering, you need to remember that the training and the job take a great deal of dedication and hard work.

Arc flash hazard engineers New York | Electrical engineering design services NY

Source:  http://www.articlesbase.com/careers-articles/electrical-engineers-field-116517.html

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Electrical Engineering Design for Various Residential and Commercial Buildings

Today in electrical engineering industry, there are various companies which are designing electrical circuit, schematic, wiring diagrams, and embedded systems. Companies that provide computer-aided design are specializing in the computerized design, three-dimensional modeling, and printing and drafting of engineering components and assemblies.

Nowadays it is much easier to design electrical circuits than ever before due to newer electrical engineering techniques that has software called circuit simulation software, to design the circuits safely and effectively. Electrical CAD software is often used in conjunction with mechanical CAD software to integrate electrical systems with mechanical systems in the available space. The software is also used to test electrical design blueprints with the help of advanced simulation tools.

The Electrical Design Engineer needs to consider the availability, efficiency and installation costs as a minimum in conjunction with functionality. Is always the attitude that should be taken when creating electrical designs? One important point to always consider is that the manufacturer's data sheet this will be key, and consulting component manufacturer is often essential, to ensure that electrical designs can meet the grade for CE marking.

Electrical Engineering Design Services include:

    Electrical Designing of Fire Protection System
    Electrical Power Transformer Design
    Electrical Power Circuit Design
    Electrical Design of Lighting System
    High and medium voltage cable and bus
    Control system interface
    On-site inspection services
    Electrical Designing of Power Distribution System
    Electrical Designing of Power System
    Electrical Designing of Lighting System

Electrical Engineering Design Services NY perform several steps to design a circuit. First, they review the customer's needs and produce a technical report. Next, they draft a schematic or electrical circuit diagram to meet the project's specifications and after calculating the component values, circuit design services perform simulations to verify the correctness and accuracy of the circuit design.

When designing any system it is important to consider the system lifecycle of all components and the maximum availability without detriment to the equipment. Power quality is also an important consideration and the machine directive on EMC is a good starting point as odd harmonics, not only decrease component lifecycle but cause in efficiencies and in sever cases can result in hot neutral's where usefully power is feed directly to ground.

Arc Flash Hazard Engineers New York

Source:  http://www.articlesbase.com/software-articles/electrical-engineering-design-for-various-residential-and-commercial-buildings-3858676.html

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Generating, Transmitting, and Distributing Electricity

Electricity is the lifeblood of development. Nearly all industries rely on electricity to power their machineries. Even simple day-to-day life would not be complete without it. Since it has become such a crucial part of the modern lifestyle, a world without electricity is quite unimaginable.

Perhaps only a handful of people wonder how electricity is generated, transmitted, and distributed to homes and buildings. However, knowing the process is essential to understand just how scarce a source can be and why power costs inflate every now and then. Generation is the production and preparation of electricity for transmission. Transmission is the funneling of electricity through high-voltage transmission lines. Distribution is the stage where electricity is reduced to certain voltages to fit the needs of consumers.

Electricity generation takes place in a power plant.

Power plants rely on various sources of energy, including steam and rushing water. Highly industrialized cities like the Twin Cities in Minnesota source their electricity from power plants located miles away. Only a good transmission system makes power distribution efficient.

From the station, electricity is transmitted to a step-up transformer that regulates the voltages according to the capacity of available transmission lines. A step-up transformer is placed between transmission lines of different capacities to ensure diffusion efficiency. In areas like the Twin Cities electric transmission lines can transport electricity over long distances without falling short of consumer requirement.

Before entering the Twin Cities electric transmission lines, the high-voltage electricity is controlled by several substation step-up transformers to provide sufficient power to subtransmission, primary, and secondary customers.
Subtransmission customers are local electric service suppliers who buy electricity from direct sources and sell it to primary and secondary customers at a slightly higher cost.

Primary customers are big establishments such as malls, hotels, and manufacturing plants. Each of these buildings normally requires a separate custom-designed transformer to allow the transmission of the right amount of energy. Secondary customers are residential houses and other small businesses that only consume minimal amounts of electricity over a certain period. In locations like the Twin Cities electric transformers are provided for both types of customers.

Electrical engineering design services NY | Electrical power distribution systems design NY

Article Source: http://technology.ezinemark.com/generating-transmitting-and-distributing-electricity-7d30ca53b6b0.html